
The developer company is “Luyser” CJSC, the founders of which have over 15 years of experience in construction, investment, design and finance. Here you can get find the documents related to the Company and the construction։

Corporate bonds

Please be informed that LUYSER CJSC is issuing Nominal Coupon Bonds in USD.

The terms of the issuance can be found here:

The rest of the information is available in Armenian on our website.

Financial reports

Company's financial reports can be found here in Armenian

Other information


The author of the project is "Storaket" architectural studio․ Storaket is the author of many innovative architectural projects both in Armenia and abroad. The company has branches in Moscow and Montreal and holds numerous international awards. “Storaket” architectural studio is specialized in urban development, architecture, engineering, construction management and interior design. You can find more detailed information about the company at the following links:
Facebօօk Page

Construction company

Construction works are undertaken by “D & S Construction”. The founder of the company is David Kocharyan, who has many years of experience in the field of construction and is the builder of a number of bridges, streets, residential buildings and sports complexes. With his participation and leading many projects were executed, including the junction of Azatutyan Avenue-Saralanj street, the Barekamutyun Square overpass, the tunnel system at the beginning of Myasnikyan Avenue, the Alex Manoogian tunnel system and other. Under the direct guidance of the founder of the company, many notable buildings have been built, such as the Dilijan International School Sports Complex and Student Residential Complex, the Vanadzor Medical Center, and a number of high-rise residential complexes in Yerevan.